About somatic therapy

For those of us who are survivors of embodied trauma, we may come to a gut feeling that just talking about an experience isn’t going to transform what happened in body, mind and spirit.

Since long before the word “somatics” existed, many cultures and communities have engaged in body-based practices to relate to each other and the world, to feel and process trauma. The ongoing legacies of white supremacy, capitalism and colonization make it hard for many of us to access this ancestral knowledge.

Somatic therapy sessions are an opportunity to connect to the wisdom present in your body and spirit. As we practice together in our sessions, we cultivate presence and capacity to feel ourselves and each other, and to live into the changes we want in our lives and in our world. Learn more about what I mean by “practices” here

Some examples of somatics in session…

  • Centering our work around what most matters to you and how you want to be.

  • Exploring present moment sensation, breath and movement at your own pace.

  • Engaging with experiential, embodied practices with attention to accessibility and consent.

  • Sharing stories and drawing from your own embodied knowledge; following your body’s impulses about how to heal.

  • Working relationally, meaning that I will be real with you and connect in our shared humanness. I bring humility, curiosity, reverence and a sense of humor.

Somatic therapy aligns our actions, ways of being and ways of perceiving with the futures we are dreaming towards.

Image description for banner: Red roses in various stages of bloom emerge from a faded background of green leaves, stems and a dark blue-gray sky.